Friday, November 9, 2012

Party Intelligence Gathering: What's the Best Party You've Ever Been ...

bestparty110912.JPGNovember is upon us, and with it comes party season. Soon we'll all be inundated with invites to the usual variety of seasonal gatherings: work drinks, family dinner parties, neighborhood drop-ins and cocktails with friends. In the interest of canvassing opinion, and helping you host the most epic party ever this year, we want to know: what was the best party you've ever been to?

It's a tricky question, right? For me, the memory of a holiday party my family attended when I was little sticks in my mind, an annual event referred to as "The Cookie Party". Picture a big old house, set in the middle of the snowy Ontario countryside. Trays of plain sugar cookies piled high in the huge farmhouse kitchen, alongside vibrantly-hued icings, sprinkles and anything else a crafty, sugar-starved kid could ask for. We decorated (and ate) cookies to our hearts' content, while the buffet of delicious hors d'oeuvres in the dining room, along with music, wine and conversation, kept the adults entertained. After the sugar high kicked in, us kids would spend hours playing hide and seek in the countless nooks and crannies available to us, until our parents packed us into the car, sleepy, sated and clutching a tin of our edible artworks.

Your turn ? tell us about your favorite party memory. Was it a laid-back dinner with friends or a no-holds-barred, catered blowout with all the fixings? More importantly, what made it so awesome?

(Image: Sara Kate Gillingham-Ryan for The Kitchn)


current time a thousand words my sisters keeper kirby sarah palin cbi the shins

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