Coco Chai Loose Leaf Tea (Mighty Leaf Tea)
Yes, there are a lot of coffee drinkers out there. But those of us who prefer tea aren?t doing too shabby. The Tea Association of the US says that we manage to drink over 65 billion servings of tea in a year. On any given day, about half of the US population drinks tea. So, as a shout out to my fellow ?tea totalers? and a culinary challenge to coffee addicts enthusiasts, here?s some info on brewing tea correctly, some fun ways to enjoy a good cuppa, and some food and drink recipes that use tea in a whole new way.
Be True to Your Brew
Water is the key to a great cup of tea. If you?ve ever been to a coffee shop and wondered why your tea was so bad, it?s not just because they don?t specialize in tea. It?s most likely because the water isn?t hot enough. Chow.com explains it this way:
Water from espresso machines is just not hot enough for tea. Coffee brews at around 200 degrees Fahrenheit; black tea should be brewed at around 210. According to customer service reps for makers of three espresso machines, hot water for tea ranges in temperature from about 170 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit ? that?s just hot enough to make a brown-colored cup of tepid water, not a decent cup of tea. And even if the water hits the cup at 190 degrees, by the time you?ve got your tea bag unwrapped and dropped, the water?s barely capable of extracting flavor.
So when you brew your own tea, make sure you get it hot enough. Here are some more tips from The Fragrant Leaf:
- Never use hot tap water or water that has already boiled for a long time.
- Black, dark Oolong and herbal teas are best prepared with water that has come to near boiling.
- Green, white, and green Oolong teas should not be prepared with boiling water. This cooks the leaves and destroys flavor. Japanese greens tend to taste best with water between 170 and 180 degrees. China green teas taste best with water at 185 degrees.
- To brew without a thermometer, pour the water at the moment bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the kettle. Or, bring the water to a boil first and let it cool for 2 to 3 minutes before pouring.
You can find more instructions and a nice Tea Tutorial at Numi Organic Tea.
There?s also a handy guide to Tasting Tea over at Mighty Leaf tea. Tea, like wine and coffee, has it?s taste affected by location, climate and processing differences. This guide will help you appreciate the subtle nuances of the tea you drink.
Tea Accessories
There?s much more to tea than the simple tea bags you buy at the store. They can be dandy, mind you, but there are other ways to brew a fine cup. If you want to have some fun, check out this Rubber Duck Tea Infuser:

Rubber Duck Tea Infuser (Capital Teas)
If sleek and modern is more your style, how about this Tea Infuser Stick:

Tea Infuser Stick (Crate and Barrel)
If you?d rather go old school and make your own tea bags for your favorite loose tea, try these Paper Filters:

Paper Filters (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Now that you now how you want to brew your tea, how about something to sip it from?

Tea Talk Mugs (Signals)
These Tea Talk Mugs from Signals are fun. And so are these Monogrammed Mugs from Anthropologie:

Monogrammed Mugs (Anthropologie)
For something with a bit more Eastern flair, how about this set of Guinomi Tea Cups from The Republic of Tea:

Guinomi Tea Cups (Republic of Tea)
?Cooking with Tea
Believe it or not, you can do much more with tea than sip it from a nifty mug. You can make other types of beverages with it, and you can use it in cooking and baking. So even if sipping a cup of tea isn?t your cup of tea, try one of these recipes ? you just might change your mind.
- Tea Stir Fry ? Mandarin orange tea gives a citrus tang to this dinner that?s done in about 30 minutes.

Tea Stir Fry (Courtesy Lipton)

Blueberry-Pomegranate Tea-Soaked Pound Cake (Courtesy Lipton)
And last, but not least, if you?ve ever wondered what kind of tea to enjoy with your dinner, Might Leaf Teas has a handy guide to Pairing Tea with Food.
Here?s to a good cuppa tea and some culinary fun in the kitchen ? enjoy!
Dawn Mundy
I write food and lifestyle articles for Family Features by day. I wish I could say I was a superhero by night, but alas, that is not so. I?m a mom who loves cooking, gardening, music and books. See what I?m cooking at home at www.snarkalicious-dawn.blogspot.com.

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Source: http://culinarychat.culinary.net/lets-talk-about-tea/
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