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Published: Saturday, June 29, 2013 --- 6:30 p.m.
In the small town of Ithaca near Richland Center, nearly everyone from the community is together this weekend, supporting a little boy who's dealing with a very grown up issue.
"This whole weekend kind of revolves around a youth baseball tournament in which Jaxon is part of," said Shelly Maxwell.
In April, Jaxon Louis was diagnosed with brain cancer. Doctors were unable to remove the entire tumor, so he's now undergoing radiation and chemotherapy in Chicago.
"We're doing as much as we can to raise money for his treatments and travel expenses and doing as much as we can for his special family," Maxwell said. She organized the sports-themed fundraiser for the 7-year-old, who's a major sports fan.
Between an event with Culver's earlier in the week, and a fish fry and bake sale Friday, the event has raised more than $1,200 and counting. On Saturday, people can participate in a silent and live auction--all of the money will go to Jaxon's parents.
"I'm good friends with his mom and dad," Maxwell said. "I grew up with both of them. You know, any mother, even if it's one of your best friends that's suffering through this, any mother I think it hits them hard as well to know that their child is suffering and I think anybody would step forward."
"We can never repay what the community has done for us," Rhonda Louis said, Jaxon's mom.
She says her son has been brave througout the entire process, despite the emotional toll it's taken on her and her husband, Brad.
"He'll say, yep I have brain cancer. But it's not a big deal to him. He handles it better than us," she said. "Every aspect of our life has changed. It's been hard."
"Her and Jaxon are now in Chicago while he gets treatments, radiation and chemo five days a week," Brad said. "And I've been staying back with our two other daughters."
Jaxon still has six more rounds of chemotherapy to go, but this weekend, the only thing he's thinking about is what game to play next.
"He's shy. But when it comes to anything sports, when he's just playing with his friends, he's outgoing," Rhonda said.
"If it's got a ball he loves it," Brad said.
The fundraiser continues Sunday with the youth baseball tournament and a pancake breakfast at the Ithaca Community Gym.
Source: http://www.nbc15.com/home/headlines/Fundraiser-for-Richland-Co-boy-battling-brain-cancer-213715971.html
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